SBB Knowledge base

The SBB Knowledge base is the main place to find information about work placement in (senior) secondary vocational education and training.

Work placement companies can find information on how to support a student during work placement or apprenticeship. By logging into MySBB, a contact from a work placement company can also find practical information about the expansion, the withdrawal or the extension of the accreditation. Please note that only a part of the information in this knowledge base is available in the English language.

Have you not found what you are looking for? Contact our Service desk on +3188 338 00 00 which can be reached on working days from 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM.

Enter your search term or scroll through the information.
Groep Icoon
Help with Logging In
Groep Icoon
Information about your accreditation
Groep Icoon
Hulp bij opleiden in de beroepspraktijk
Groep Icoon
Dienstverlening SBB voor het onderwijs
Groep Icoon
Workshop Praktijkopleiders SBB
Groep Icoon
Supportsessie Praktijkopleiders SBB
Groep Icoon
Groep Icoon
Groep Icoon
Subsidie voor leerbedrijven
Groep Icoon
Documents for foreign work placement companies